Monday, July 2, 2007

Do Christians love to be hated?

Dan Kimball (I know, I know, I write about him alot, but he is constantly challenging me and stretching me) wrote on his blog about the response that some Christians have to the verses of being hated. "Everyone will hate you because of Me..." (Matthew 10:22) and "Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you." (1 John 3:13). I know (or have known) a lot of Christians that use these scriptures when they are rejected by nonbelievers and they just seem to shrug it off or, even worse, wear it as some sort of martyr badge. To me, it just always seemed like an excuse -- I mean, what do you expect when you walk up to a complete stranger and shove a tract into their hands about sin and hell and smile at them and say "God loves you". I'd be like uh, thanks, buddy, but no thanks. Kimball asks some great questions and offers some of his insights. I've posted some of the questions he's posed. You can read his take on answering them here:
Is it the gospel that is rejected
or is it the personality of the Christian and the evangelistic approach that is
being rejected and "hated"?

With this view, people skills then don't make too much
difference or matter a ton. Our tone of voice or how argumentative we are
doesn't make a difference. When and how we share about the gospel doesn't make a
difference - as long as we feel we said it and got it out. So when we have
people respond back that they don't want to hear it - then we feel we are simply
fulfilling what Jesus said about being "hated" and we can run back to our
Christian circles feeling like we have done our duty and the Lord must be
pleased as we are "hated" by the world and rejected.

- Yes, I fully know the gospel is a stumbling block and
people will reject the gospel. But I am wondering are people rejecting the
person because of how they go about sharing the gospel, more than rejecting the
gospel itself?

- Are people "hating" the personalities of the Christian
and the sometimes awkwardness of the approach used than actually hating the
gospel itself?

- Could it be the lack of interest that the Christian can
show for the other person, the lack of listening to the other person and people
skills (yes, I know the Spirit is who does it, but the basic ways we communicate
do matter) - so when people say "I'm not interested", it is because we haven't
really shown interest in them as a person to befriend them, hang out with them,
be caring about them, going to movies with them, building trust so when we do
talk about the gospel, we have earned the right and trust for them to want to
hear what we say?

- Could it be, that for some people, the "they will hate
us" saying of Jesus, makes it easy to stay enclosed in our Christian bubble,
stay on Christian blogs and talk with other Christians all the time, and feel
like we have done our job evangelistically if we have shared with a stranger on
a plane or with someone new at our workplace and they didn't respond?

- Do some Christians use "they will hate us" as an excuse
for lack of fruit or effort to be out among non-Christians?


SARA said...

Very interesting post and well said...thank you! Living the gospel in your daily life goes a long way and I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words.

P.S. Found your blog via Bradley Wrights.

Joyce said...

Thanks, Sharon. I visited your blog as well -- it's absolutely beautiful! You have an amazing gift.

Bradley is uniting folks from all over the place -- I linked to his from my brother Joe's blog!

SARA said...

Yes, I agree, Bradley is bringing many together. wow, it's like a chain effect..I wasn't sure about this thing called "blogging " in the beginning but am getting used to it. It's so nice that everyone brings their special gifts to the table(monitor ;) )...everyone has something special to offer, to say it's real nice.
Thank you for visiting my blog. It was intended to focus only on art but somehow it drifted off and I think i need to re-direct again...but there is sooo much to say about sooo many things!