Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ambassadors of God

People who are in need and are not afraid to beg give to people not in need the occasion to do good for goodness' sake. Modern society calls the beggar bum and panhandler and gives him the bum's rush. But the Greeks used to say that people in need are ambassadors of the gods. Although you may be called bums and panhandlers you are in fact the ambassadors of God. As God's ambassadors you should be given food, clothing and shelter by those who are able to give it.
--Peter Maurin

Monday, July 7, 2008


Love is never wasted. It may not get the results or reaction expected. But it is never wasted. In fact, love that expects positive reaction or results is something less than love. Love never makes any demands. Loves only gives, and it does not cease giving when there is no reciprocity. The true lover does not require the beloved to meet any conditions. True love is unconditional. The perfect Lover devoted Himself totally to others ...

and they crucified Him.