Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This ain't no bull

Mixing the church and state is like mixing ice cream with cow manure. It may not do much to the manure, but it sure messes up the ice cream.

--Rev. Tony Campolo, p.20 Jesus for President


Dromedary Hump said...

Well, having read the Jesus for president clips you posted on 3/10,and not understanding any part of it, here's something I CAN understand and agree with.

The only thing we'd disagree on is which of the two (religion or politics) is the manure.

Joyce said...

Does it really matter?

Brad Wright said...

Good words... religion seems to always come out bad when it is mixed with politics.

Dromedary Hump said...


interestingly, Governments always turn out bad when mixed with religion. The Founding fathers knew this, imperfect but insightful men that they were.