Sunday, March 9, 2008

Consider this

To cure us of our immoderate love of gain, we should seriously consider how many goods there are that money will not purchase, and these the best; and how many evils there are that money will not remedy, and these the worst.
Charles Caleb Colton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

between your latest quote, and andrew's latest blog posting, I am seeing a trend here.

Whats with this inexplicable condemnation of, opposition to, financial gain and buying stuff?
Is there some epidemic of greed and frenzied purchasing going on in Cinn. driven by a mutant virus that has people flocking to the mall in a zombie like stupor?

Maybe this some attempt to come closer to salvation, or seeing some wonderful virtue in semi-poverty ... the old camel through the eye of the needle thing?

Or is this a plot to make Bush look even more incompetant, by further slowing the economy, put people out of work, and push us further into recession by not participating in consumerism?

Now, I'm not suggesting that one should live only to make money. Nor that acquiring material things should ever be life's focus, or a substitute for human interaction and the more meaningful and fulfilling joys of life. But this anti-consumerism theme is just too coincidental to ignore, a tad creepy, and damn unAmerican!!.

Heheheh... :)